Plans comprise 12 size A1 sheets (820 x 594mm) and 3 size A4 sheets (297 x 210mm), plus a comprehensive 53 page illustrated build manual. The boat is designed for the home builder using ply on frame. Plans are in metric dimensions only.
The plans are supplied in pdf format (about 4mb. and is a zipped file) It isn’t necessary to print the plans in order to build the boat, however printing the construction drawing which contains the table of offsets and key measurements is recommended. This costs about $3.50 at a plan printing service or copy centre. Lofting is not required
Please note that the plan file will probably not download to a mobile phone. Desktop or laptop computer preferred. If this creates a problem for you please e-mail: and we can forward plans manually.
Plans are US$80.00 payable via PayPal. Payment generates an e-mail with a link to download the plans and build manual as pdf files. You don’t need a PayPal account to purchase plans, PayPal will facilitate a credit card transaction. To purchase plans click on the Buy Now icon:

Study Plans
Study plans and a design overview are available free of charge as pdf files. Use the button below to generate a download link, which will come in an e-mail.
If you have any difficulty accessing plans or study plans, please e-mail: